Name: Aubyn Zwart
Parents: Shawn and Brad Zwart
Hobbies & Interests
I enjoy spending time reading books and painting.
School Activities
I play violin in the orchestra at Unity. I am on the girl’s golf team. I am also a living group leader.
Spare Time Activities
In my spare time, I like to spend time with my friends. I also enjoy attending youth group at my church.
Education/Career Plans
I plan to attend Dordt University with a major in social work with a minor in Spanish.
Past Tulip Festival Participation
I have attended every Tulip Festival since I was one week old. I grew up getting to scrub streets with my mom, grandma, and great-grandma. I went on to dutch dance in grade school and middle school. In middle school, I was able to march with the OCCS marching band. Tulip Festival is one of my favorite times of the year, not only because of the food but because of the memories I make each year.