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Name: Jenna Smit

Parents: Jason and Kara Smit

Hobbies & Interests Some of my hobbies include babysitting, reading, shopping, playing card games, fashion and design. 

School Activities I participated in soccer, basketball, choir and was a volleyball manager for my earlier years at Unity. I also was a living group leader junior year and regularly support many of the athletic events. 

Spare Time Activities Some things I enjoy doing in my spare time include lifeguarding, working at prairie winds and spending time with friends and family. 

Education/Career Plans I plan to attend Northwestern College next fall to major in accounting and minor in business. 

Past Tulip Festival Participation I rode on many floats in my elementary years. I participated in dutch games and dutch dancing from 1st-7th grade. I marched in the OCCS band 7th and 8th grade.