Name: Avery Kelch

Parents: Reese and Cristi Kelch

Hobbies & Interests: I enjoy playing volleyball, spending time with my family and friends, traveling, and participating in youth group activities at First Reformed Church.

School Activities: I’m involved in volleyball, track, band/color guard, orchestra, student council, and large group speech.

Spare Time Activities: I work part-time at Don’s Food Center in Orange City (Dutchmart Foods), and at Groschopp during the summer doing light manufacturing work.

Education/Career Plans: I plan to attend college for business administration. 

Past Tulip Festival Participation: POD Marching Band, Dutch dancing, Dutch games, scrubbing streets, and riding floats. My favorite float memory is being Greta when I was 10 years old. I volunteer in the Chamber Office by mailing brochures to website visitors who request information about the Tulip Festival.