2015 Tulip Court Elections to be Held


Elections for the 2015 Tulip Court will be held on Wednesday, September 24, 2014.

Voting for the 2015 Tulip Court will take place from 3:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Windmill Information Booth, located on the corner of Central Avenue and Second Street in Orange City.

Eligible voters are adults with an Orange City address and 7th through 12th grade students at MOC-Floyd Valley, Unity Christian High School, and Orange City Christian School.

Candidate eligibility and general questions can be directed to the Tulip Festival office by email at tulip@orangecitycomm.net or by phone at 712-707-4510.


Theme for 75th Annual Tulip Festival Revealed



The 2015 Tulip Festival Steering Committee has revealed the theme for the 2015 celebration. The event will be Orange City’s 75th annual Tulip Festival.

“Remembering Our Roots” will be the theme and the driving force for the 2015 festival, slated for May 14, 15 and 16.

In determining a theme for the 2015 festival, Arlyn and Bea Schaap, co-chairpersons of the Steering Committee, researched the history and foundation of the festival. “Words such as heritage, traditions, and remembering where we came from were quoted often in articles from past celebrations,” says Arlyn. “The Tulip Festival celebration is a time for us to remember our Dutch roots, as roots are reminders of another era, land or custom. Thus, the theme selected for our 75th Tulip Festival is ‘Remembering Our Roots.’”

Plans are well under way for next year’s Tulip Festival, with a few possible additions to the event. The Steering Committee encourages community members of all ages to consider joining the event in one of many volunteer opportunities.


2014 Tulip Festival Queen & Court Costumes, Parade Marshals Announced

The annual Orange City Tulip Festival Extravaganza was held on Thursday, March 20, 2014, and revealed both the costumes for Tulip Queen and Court and the parade marshals for the 2014 celebration.

Members of the 2014 Tulip Court are Queen Ali Achterhof, daughter of Rick and Paula Achterhof; Lauren Duesenberg, daughter of Gary and Rachel Duesenberg; Emily McDonald, daughter of Todd and Kristin McDonald; Paige Nibbelink, daughter of Jamie and Kim Nibbelink; and Marissa Wiese, daughter of Rob and Tricia Wiese.

TulipCourt2014Queen Ali and her court will wear the authentic dress from Axel, a town in the province of Zeeland, for this year’s Tulip Festival. The wings, which stand up by elaborately folded craft paper, are perhaps the most eye-catching piece of the costume. Queen Ali’s wings, known as de vleugels in Dutch, are a stunning purple on floral black, and her court’s are a classic black on black brocade material.

The elaborate costume also features a black brocade jacket, a black merino wool skirt, and beuks, which are made from the same fabric as the wings. The beuks, worn on the upper torso, are intricately decorated with colorful glass beads, sequin, small stones, and spangles, and were worn by the women of Axel on Sundays or for special occasions. Queen Ali and each member of her court also wear floral-patterned aprons. Queen Ali’s apron is embellished with an embroidered apron bow.

The Axel dress is accessorized with a small cap that fits close to the head, gold spirals worn on the forehead, a multi-strand necklace of red coral beads, and an antique-version purse.

An additional highlight to the Extravaganza was the announcement of this year’s parade marshals. The Tulip Festival Steering Committee was pleased to honor Terry and Rachel Meekma as parade marshals for the 2014 Tulip Festival.

TheMeekmasThe Meekmas have faithfully served the festival for many years and through various roles. Terry served on the Tulip Festival Executive Committee and chaired the festival in 1997. He also oversaw the concessions for nearly a decade, organized street scrubbers, ushered in the reserved parade seating areas, auctioneered for the festival art prints, and drove floats. Terry is a current member of the singing bicycle group, the Fietsen Zangers.

Rachel participated in the festival in her childhood through street scrubbing, float riding, and Dutch dancing. She served on the Queen’s Court and later was a member and chair of the Queen’s Committee. Rachel was the chair of the festival in 2001, and followed that role by becoming the festival’s only paid employee, serving as the Tulip Festival’s part-time executive director for 13 years. Rachel retired from the position in January 2014 and continues to volunteer her time through organizational aspects of the event.

Both individually and together, the Meekmas have demonstrated extraordinary dedication and passion for the annual Tulip Festival.

2014 Tulip Festival Queen Crowned

Ali Achterhof was crowned the 2014 Tulip Festival Queen on Monday, November 25, 2013.

Achterhof will reign over the 74th annual Tulip Festival, happening May 15, 16 and 17 in 2014.

A senior at MOC-Floyd Valley High School in Orange City, Achterhof is the daughter of Rick and Paula.

Achterhof is joined on the 2014 Tulip Court by court members Lauren Duesenberg, daughter of Gary and Rachel Duesenberg, Emily McDonald, daughter of Todd and Kristin McDonald, Paige Nibbelink, daughter of Jamie and Kim Nibbelink, and Marissa Wiese, daughter of Rob and Tricia Wiese.

Achterhof and her court members spent Monday afternoon giving presentations to and answering questions with judges Katie Buntsma, Bruce Miller and Rev. Mark Vande Zande.

A pageant was held for the public in the evening. Each of the candidates answered questions on various topics and gave individual presentations. Achterhof was crowned queen as a conclusion to the evening.

Achterhof and her court will serve as ambassadors for the city of Orange City and Tulip Festival. They will travel around the state making appearances on television and radio stations, as well as visits to the state capitol, schools, residential facilities, and various clubs and organizations.



2013 Tulip Festival Queen Crowned

2013 Tulip Court

McKenzie Mulder was crowned the 2013 Tulip Festival Queen on Monday, November 19, 2012.

Mulder will reign over the 73rd annual Tulip Festival, happening May 16, 17 and 18 in 2013.

A senior at MOC-Floyd Valley High School in Orange City, Mulder is the daughter of Scott and Jill Mulder.

Mulder is joined on the 2013 Tulip Court by court members Larkin De Haan, daughter of Derrick and Pam De Haan; Jessica Giannantonio, daughter of Patrick and Susan Giannantonio; Autumn Pluim, daughter of Dale and Jill Pluim; and Samantha Wielenga, daughter of Brad and Julie Wielenga.

Mulder and her court members spent Monday afternoon giving presentations to and answering questions with jwith judges Alicia (Kuiken) Gunderson, Kurt Van Noord and Connie Wagner.

A pageant was held for the public in the evening.  Each of the candidates answered questions on various topics and gave an individual presentation on growing up in Orange City.  Mulder was crowned queen as a conclusion to the evening.

Mulder and her court will serve as ambassadors for the city of Orange City and Tulip Festival. They will travel around the state making appearances on television and radio stations, as well as visits to the state capital, schools, residential facilities, and various clubs and organizations.